Francesca Lynn was born today, July 24th. Here's a couple of pictures: one with me and my little sister, and one of just her beautiful face (mine's not so beautiful considering I am unshowered with no makeup!).
I'm 22, my 23rd birthday is actually July 30th, so I'm just days shy of being 23 years older. We were wondering whether or not Francesca and I would have the same birthday!
keith - Yep. I'm the same one that used to be at RWN until Hawkins banned me. Don't ask me why he did so. That is a baffling mystery to me. But I don't recall you from RWN. Do you post under a different name there? Anyway, it's good to bump into folks from RWN here and there.
War is an ugly thing but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. -- John Stuart Mill
Feel free to e-mail me at about anything you'd like; you can also add me on MySpace or Facebook. I welcome all questions and comments; criticism and praise. However, for anyone planning to send hate-mail: keep in mind that anything you send me may end up getting published. Thanks for reading, and I look forward to hearing from you!
Congrats Big Sis!! She's beautiful!
As I said earlier, please pass on my congratulations to the new Mom. And of course to you the Bloggin Big Sister.
congrats! wait, does this mean you are in high school or something? :)
No, not in high school. ;)
I'm 22, my 23rd birthday is actually July 30th, so I'm just days shy of being 23 years older. We were wondering whether or not Francesca and I would have the same birthday!
Shes gorgous, just like her sis
And I think you're still pretty darn good looking. Whoever's looks you got, lets hope your sis got them too.
Congratulations! Hope everyone is recovering well and is getting enough rest. And good luck with the new job, too.
Congradulations on the new sister.
Congratulations Cassy, to you and your family for the new member. Love her and be a good big sis. :)
And congrats on the job too! Hope you enjoy it.
having trouble seeing the pic - anyone else not seeing it?
Oh yeah, hey Huck, you the same as on RWN? Good to see you
keith - Yep. I'm the same one that used to be at RWN until Hawkins banned me. Don't ask me why he did so. That is a baffling mystery to me. But I don't recall you from RWN. Do you post under a different name there? Anyway, it's good to bump into folks from RWN here and there.
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